Four Tips to Manage Hair Loss

Are you seeing more and more hair go down the drain than on your head? If so then it is high time that you reassess your hair care regimen. If you don’t want to sport any bald spots anytime soon, let me give you the top 4 tips to manage excessive hair loss.

Watch Your Diet

If you want to keep your hair in place you have to look at what you eat. Most of the time people overlook the fact that your nutrition largely dictates the condition of the body. Diets that will benefit your hair in particular are those that are rich in antioxidants, tissue repairing proteins and B vitamins.

Antioxidants like vitamins A, C and E which can be found in oranges, carrots and apples will help your body get rid of harmful free radicals, which can create inflammatory responses causing your hair to fall off. Proteins promote hair growth and help to keep it strong and healthy, and you can get these from fish, eggs, lean meats and nuts. Meanwhile the family of B vitamins which you can get from bananas, spinach, milk cheese, brown rice and whole grain cereals improves the strength and thickness of your hair.

Since our diets don’t usually contain all the recommended nutrients that we need to keep our locks in the best shape, it is advisable that you take supplements to fill out those nutritional gaps.

Keep your Stress in Check

It is normal to go through different stresses every day, but it is also important that you keep these in check because eventually it can lead to negative physical symptoms. One of these symptoms is excessive hair loss, which is caused by the changes that stress creates to your hormone levels. This type of hair loss can be easily reverted once the stressor is promptly managed.

Check your Hairstyle Products

If you are fond of using a lot of hair products, you might want to reassess these to check if it is still doing your hair good. Some of the chemicals that you have to watch out for are hair dyes and perming solutions. These can be rather harsh both on your scalp and hair causing it to become flimsy and eventually start falling off.

It is also important that you wash your hair after using products such as gels, sprays and mousses because when these build up on your scalp, along with dirt and natural oils, it causes your hair follicles to weaken.  So make sure that if you apply some hair styling products on your hair, promptly wash it before going to bed.

Change your Hairstyle

If you have seen the recent paparazzi shots of supermodel Naomi Campbell, this is the very example why you should check the kind of hairstyle that you wear. She basically lost a good amount of hair at the front of her scalp causing her hairline to recede.

Hairstyles that create significant strain to the hair follicles can eventually lead it to be uprooted off your scalp. For Naomi’s case, she was always known to wear weaves, which can be very tight and harsh to the roots of the hair, this is called traction alopecia. Tight braids and ponytails can also do the same. So to avoid this, try to let your hair down for a change.

Although it would be most unfortunate if the type of hair loss created leads to scarring. This can lead to permanent hair loss because the scars created blocks the hair follicles. The only answer to this type of problem would be hair transplant. Since hair transplant cost can be a little steep for most budgets, why not simply use more pressure relieving hairstyles instead.

Viagra for Propecia Sexual Side Effects?

Hair loss is a condition that not only affects the sufferer’s physical appearance, but their self-esteem and confidence as well. They experience body image disturbance along with the feeling of hopelessness that they are losing control over what they are losing.

And this is where hair loss medications come in.

Unfortunately these too have risks, and one that has been making headlines today is the sexual side effects that it creates on men. Propecia is one of the most popular and trusted brands out in the market to treat cases of mild to moderate male pattern baldness. It comes with a generic name Finasteride, and this is manufactured by Merck, one of the leading pharmaceutical companies today. The action of Propecia is that it prevents the conversion of testosterone into the more active form DHT or dihydrotestosterone. With increased amounts of DHT in the blood, hair loss is sure to follow. But Propecia can help stop this action at its tracks, and then trigger the hairs to grow back.

The success of Propecia in combating hair has been slowly overshadowed by one problem, and that is the negative sexual side effects that it creates. A lot of males have been complaining that it causes them to lose their libido, experience erectile dysfunction and it also affected their sperm count. This problem has taken a toll not only on their confidence but their relationships as well.

Men are expressing concerns over the internet on how they are not doing well in bed, making their partners think that they are losing interest.

That is why for those men who want to keep a good head of hair and a normal sexual life at the same time, they are looking at treatments to combat the sexual side effects of Propecia. This is where Viagra comes into the picture.

Viagra is a drug that is manufactured by another pharmaceutical giant, Pfizer. It was indicated to treat erectile dysfunction.

Now, men are asking if Propecia and Viagra can be taken together. Yes, there are no contraindications of taking Viagra in order to stop the sexual side effects of Propecia.

There are no noted interactions between the two, which makes them safe to use simultaneously. But the problem here is that Viagra only treats erectile dysfunction by enhancing the strength of an erection and not the loss of libido. And in order for Viagra to work, one must also be aroused. This can be a concern since Propecia is also known to affect sexual arousal. But there are more reports which support the fact that taking the two medications can actually help relieve erectile problems.

You may also have to get yourself checked for other conditions like diabetes, because this can also cause erectile dysfunction. Taking Viagra would not solve the problem if there are pre-existing health problems, so you may need to get yourself checked first. Aging should also be factored in when it comes to assessing erectile dysfunction. Studies have shown that 50% of men in their fifties experience erectile dysfunction.

There are reports of dizziness when taking Propecia and Viagra, but this was nothing serious. So if you want to ensure your safety in treating hair loss and other related problems, it is best that you get yourself evaluated first. Don’t start taking any medications without consulting your doctor first.

5 Things to Remember in Choosing your Hair Transplant Surgeon

Hair transplant surgery has been around for many years, that is why it is not surprising if hair transplant clinics are sprouting everywhere. As much as this may sound like good news for those unfortunate enough to experience balding, this should in fact raise concern.

There are so many surgeons out there who are now claiming to perform hair transplant surgery even without the right competencies. And with the limited amount of hair to start it, don’t gamble what you can’t afford to lose. So to help you out, here are 5 qualities of a hair surgeon that you should avoid.

Too Good to Be True

It is best to avoid surgeons who heavily use advertising and infomercials. Most of the time, those that comes in the best packages doesn't always bring the best results. Don’t give into these flashy advertising because there is a good chance that these could very well be just advertising, and could not even deliver the best results. You also shouldn't look for a hair transplant surgeon on the yellow pages or get your referrals simply through word of mouth. Remember, each have their own standards of quality, so take the time to research the facts on your own.

Offers low price relative to other clinic

It not advisable to trust a surgeon who gives a very low price for a hair transplant surgery, if you see that the price that the surgeon quotes you on is much lower compared to the rest of the cost within your area, this should raise red flags because this surgeon could give you a haphazard result. A surgeon who has the credibility and the name would not sell themselves short because they know when to put premium on their work.

Promise results in the fastest time possible

Steer clear from surgeons who promise to give you results in the fastest time possible. It is in the nature of a good hair transplant procedure to take time since it requires meticulous effort to ensure that the hairs are removed carefully and properly. This is something that can be done in haste. So go for a surgeon who takes the time to perform procedures, and not even do it in just one sitting. A good tip is to ask how many patients he takes in a single day.

Never trust someone who is simply a cosmetic surgeon

Sadly the practice of hair restoration surgery is not strictly guarded, that is why there are surgeons who can pretty much claim that they can do it. This s the reason why hair transplant surgery earned a negative reputation, but you can avoid this by ensuring that you go for those who had extensive training particularly on hair transplants.

No proof and evidence of previous works

Avoid a hair transplant surgeon who will not provide you with before and after photos of his work. Remember that this is the only way for you to peek through what he can do, and the quality in which he can do it. It is also important that he has a good amount of clients with successful results, because this can assure you that he runs a practice that has quality.

How Exercise Results to Excessive Hair Loss?

As the old saying goes, too much of a good thing is a bad thing. This is very much applicable when it comes to exercise. If you think spending hours on the gym will make you a big ball of health, you could be wrong. An excess of high level exercise is discovered to cause hair loss. So if you want to spare your hair and have a healthy physique at the same time, you better start improving your habits.

Exercise, of any type, is an activity that is also considered to be a stress to the body. But this is a good stress nonetheless, which is why we are advised to do this every day. But the problem arises when this is done in excess; of course the degree of stress experienced by the body is also increased which can now result to hair loss.

Another reason why exercise is linked to excessive hair loss is because it can also affect hormonal balance. It results to testosterone levels being increased, and this is true for men and women.
Unfortunately for the ladies the change in hormone levels creates more reactions in their system. It results to an altered menstrual cycle and even places them at risk for brittle bones.

The increased levels of testosterone increase the likelihood of hair loss because this very hormone is the one that is turned into DHT or dihydrotestosterone. DHT is the very chemical that is responsible for hair loss. It first causes the hair follicles to thin, shrink and then fall off in excessive amounts.

Another reason why exercise promotes hair loss is that it causes the follicles to enter the resting phase earlier than they are expected to. The problem here is that it affects a large amount of locks resulting in a bulk of it shedding off. This is a condition that is called Telogen Effluvium.

The good thing about Telogen Effluvium is that the effects are temporary. By improving your exercise regimen, and cutting back on the intensity and length, you could very well prevent the progressive hair loss.

You can determine whether you are doing your exercise regimen excessively if you notice that it is ineffective, you feel fatigued, and if you experience sleeping disorders. Dr. Mannoj Khana says that if you experience any of these symptoms and is accompanied by excessive hair loss, you should cut back on your exercise.

If you really don’t know how to go about with your exercise regimen, you can always ask the help of a certified trainer. This way you can get a personalized plan that would suit your energy level. In fact, a person simply needs 30 minutes of exercise every day to be healthy.

You should also check on your hair care regimen after exercising. We all know that working out can cause us to sweat in buckets, and your scalp is no exception. Due to the salt content of your sweat, this can be bad for the hair. The buildup of this salty fluid on the scalp can cause it to dry, which can eventually lead to dandruff and hair loss.

Keep everything in moderation, because when you keep a proper exercise regimen, hair loss can very well be prevented. You could even improve the health of your hair as the circulation in your body is improved.

But if hair loss persists even with the alterations and improvements made, it could be that you are genetically linked to shed excessive amounts of hair. For this type of problem, you can take medications or restore hair volume through a hair transplant surgery.

Latest Hair Loss News: Hair Loss Drug May Cause Severe Depression?

In a retrospective study, researchers found that the hair loss drug Propecia is linked to depression. This is not the first time that the drug is in hot water for certain side effects that it causes. Just recently Propecia is also dragged into the news because of the sexual side effects that it creates. Incidentally so this particular side effect is also associated with depressive symptoms.

Months with Propecia lead men to develop sexual side effects such as a loss of libido, inability to achieve erection, infertility and poor semen quality. And the worst part here is that these side effects don’t even relieve even after the drug has been stopped.

Studies showed that those who suffered with these side effects were discovered to be at risk for severe depression and suicidal thoughts.

The study was conducted by Dr. Michael Irwig, who is an assistant professor of medicine at George Washington School of Medicine and Health Sciences. He interviewed 61 men who are within the age of 25 who have used Finasteride, the generic name for Propecia. These men have not experienced sexual side effects for three months at before the treatment was started and with no history of mental illness.

During the initial study a lot of men reported that the men reported of depression and memory problems and other problems in cognition. Irwig speculated that the emotional and cognitive changes were due to action that Finasteride has on the brain.

The researcher also included interviews with 29 men suffering from male pattern baldness who have not taken Finasteride.

The mean scores of those men who are treated with Propecia were 23.67, while those in the control group were 5.93. Within these numbers, a total of 39% of those former Finasteride users answered that they thought of having suicide, while 5% claimed that they agree on the statement, “I would like to kill myself.”

In the control group only one case reported to have suicidal thoughts.

With this Irwig also surmised that aside from the depressive reaction that a man has when they lose their sexual abilities, there is also a chemical reaction that goes in the brain that can perfectly explain why this is.

He claims that Finasteride blocks a certain enzyme in the brain which is responsible in controlling the level of neuroactive steroids. And when these are in low amounts in the system, symptoms of depression can be observed. But Irwig suggests that this needs further research so that those prescribing the medications would give the patients a list of the complications that it can create.

The potential side effects of Finasteride or Propecia has on the nervous system can be very alarming and of course distressful to the one affected, that is why they should know what they could be exposing their body into. This should also be made clear in the product label.

But in a statement Merck, which is the company responsible for the production of Finasteride, claims that during their clinical studies the drug showed good safety and efficacy profiles. They added that the labelling of the product appropriately describes the risk and benefits to inform the prescribing physician and the patient.

So if you are looking for a relief to that balding head, make sure that you talk this through with your doctor.  Never take anything without the proper consultation because with findings like this, you can expose yourself to serious complications later on.

What To Do When Hair Loss Strikes

Try looking at pictures of the young Elton John circa 1970, maybe Donald Trump’s rather unflattering comb over, or Bruce Willis’ hairless top then you get the different types of baldness. You now see that hair loss presents itself in many ways, from receding hairlines, bald areas on the crown, to a totally barren head. This leads sufferers to question the probable causes that resulted to this excessive hair loss.

What are the Causes of Hair Loss?

Hair loss can spring out of a list of causes. Drugs, stress, medical treatments, certain diets and hairstyle, these are just the less serious reasons. You will have a more serious problem on your hands if your hair loss is brought about by genetic causes.

Male pattern hair loss, also known as genetic hair loss affects a significant number of males of any age every year.

One primary cause that can be associated with excessive hair shedding is due to changes in hormone levels. With male pattern baldness in particular, the hormone that gives them their basic male characteristics such as facial hair, a deep voice, etc, is the same culprit that causes hair loss.

Testosterone is the hormone to watch out for because it can become dangerous to your hair follicles when it comes in contact with the enzyme, 5-alphareductase. What results when the two react is a more aggressive hormone called DHT or Dihydrotestosterone. With DHT in your system, it can lead to your hair roots to weaken and shed out of their places. It is normal to lose a few strands of hair everyday, but with DHT, the number can reach alarming amounts.

Physical and Emotional Concerns in Hair Loss

The moment you observe that your hair is becoming flimsy, thinner in distribution, and the hairline starting to move back not only will this affect that way you look but it inevitably changes your emotional health. This can even result to an impaired body image.

Expectedly, a person who is affected by this would have difficulty handling both physical and emotional strain associated with the problem. Aside from taking a strike at the victim’s confidence, it also impairs one’s self-esteem. To those who are affected by this, thankfully there are a number of options that can be employed to treat the issue.

Others try to live with the problem and just accept their lot, while there are those who take a more aggressive approach to regain their original hair coverage.

What are the hair loss treatments available?

In this modern times, innovation in technology and continuing studies can give the roster of treatment options in order to treat excessive hair shedding or prevention balding. The choices can range from medications, laser treatment, wigs to hair transplant surgery.

Pharmaceutical treatment for hair loss is the easily attainable resource to handle the problem. Although the outcome may take some time, but this measure has definitely provided effective results. But the drawback here is that they need to be taken continuously for the rest of your life to maintain the results. Unfortunately, along with its benefits are accompanying side effects which you also have to consider. And in some cases, even hair loss is also an untoward reaction to the long term use of these medications.

Another modern technology that is also able to restore hair is laser treatment. This equipment emits laser energy to the scalp that promotes proper circulation in the area which can improve hair growth.

Wigs, toupees, and hair extensions are also some of the effective measures to temporarily conceal hair loss. However, for a more aggressive treatment, hair loss sufferers who have the budget can opt for hair transplant surgery. This surgical process takes hair from the back of the head or donor area, and transferring them to the bald spot at the top or front of the scalp.

But once you notice that your locks are starting to fall off at an alarming rate, it is wise to assess your lifestyle and diet. checking these out first just might be the solution you’d ever need without having to resort to medications or surgical treatments. However, if you notice an absence of any relief to the problem, you should immediately get yourself evaluated by a reputable physician. In that way, you can work out a treatment plan.